Vaccines FAQs

At White Marsh Animal Hospital, we want our clients to know the importance of preventative care to ensure a long and healthy life for their pets. Vaccinations provide an easy way to guard your pet against dangerous, life-threatening diseases. Our veterinarians at White Marsh Animal Hospital have gathered some of the frequent questions that we run into regarding pet vaccinations.


Q: Is it important to vaccinate my pet against diseases they may never come across?

A: Germs are microscopic, they can result in some very nasty illnesses, and they are everywhere. Generally, we do not realize how great a risk is posed simply by moving through our environment. At least we know that we should keep ourselves and our surroundings clean with vigorous hand-washing, hygiene, cleaning products, and safe decisions.

Our curious pets explore their world with their mouths, noses, and paws, testing and tasting the good and the bad without knowing about germs. Pet owners cannot always be with them to monitor what their pets do. Rabies, distemper, parvovirus, and other serious diseases pass readily from wildlife or from bacteria or viruses they may encounter. The results of these encounters can be devastating, involving painful symptoms and even death. The chance of our pets contracting these diseases is more significant than it seems.

Q: Which vaccines should I get for my pet?

A: Veterinarians recommend certain core vaccines for dogs and cats chosen through research of what presents the greatest threat and what they are likely to encounter during their typical habits. For cats, core vaccines include feline rhinotracheitis, rabies, distemper, and feline leukemia. For dogs leptospirosis, rabies, distemper, and canine parvovirus are considered core vaccines.

Q: Does my pet need vaccines if it lives indoors?

A: Vaccines help keep indoor pets safe as well. Microscopic viruses and bacteria can quickly enter your home as you go daily between indoors and outside. Your pets can pick up germs from playing with other animals who have been outdoors and especially from chance encounters with wildlife during walks. In addition, there is always the chance that a pet may accidentally escape from home.

Q: What side effects could my pet experience from the vaccines?

A: Since the vaccinations involve a small introduction of a safe form of the germ into the body, there is a chance that side effects may occur, but these are quite rare. Your pet may feel sore at the site of the injection or may be tired. To be safe, you should bring it to our veterinarian for an exam if these symptoms last more than 24 hours.

Book Your Pet's Vaccinations in White Marsh, MD

We have provided some important highlights about protecting your pets with vaccinations. Call our team at White Marsh Animal Hospital today at (410) 335-8400 to schedule your pet's vaccinations with Dr. Brennan or Dr. Danna.


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